I want to live my life with my eyes toward the sky, my Lord;
with my eyes toward the sky to see love only,
because I would like to live with you forever one day,
without sin, but only love;
I would like this love to burn my heart, the love
that, I know, would change my life.
How can I increase love?
I want to do your will my Lord!
Here I am!
I’m yours my Lord, I’m all yours. I’m yours Virgin Mary.
I would love everyone as you asked us, as you did… and you still do…
How can I testify you? How can I bring you to the others if I am unable to melt
myself of love in front of you?
I’m relying on you Virgin Mary, I commend my being to you, I commend my loved
ones to you…
You know that one day we can live all together…
And worship God, forever.
It’s so difficult to love, it’s so difficult to improve…
but I never give up…
I want to live my life with my eyes toward the sky…
Hoping to reach the real life one day.